Executive Speaker Training

They Didn’t Teach This to You in School…No Matter the School You Attended.

Regardless of where you speak or why you need to speak, this two-day workshop is for you.

Always Speak With Clarity,

Increase Your Sales

Make Your Company First In Your Customers’ Minds,

Create Compelling & Profitable Presentations,

Skyrocket Your Confidence,

Even Communicate Better with Your Family!

What Others Say About Our Workshops:
“I think I learned more in eight hours with you than I did in my entire Master’s program.”
-John, City of Glendale, Arizona

“A real kick in the right direction. You’d better show up to Sean’s workshop if you have any intention of doing professional work. Get started now!”
-Sandy, Professional Speaker, Arizona

Attention. Retention. Recognition.
That’s what you’ll get from and give to your audiences using our advanced techniques coached by our experienced training team during the “Executive Speaker Training” public speaking course.

You’ll create more sales and improve your business and personal relationships when you attend our next public-speaking workshop!

In our two-day live event (and you have never been to a speaking workshop like this one), you’ll learn, absorb and practice the tools and tips you need that they didn’t teach you in school (law school, seminary, MBA classes, teacher training, real estate classes, military school or whatever school you went to) that will help you make your message STICK IN THE MINDS of your listeners.

Your GOLDEN Tongue
“There’s gold in them there words” of yours! (Paraphrasing the old-time movie prospectors!) Learn to mine the gold of increased sales. Discover the gold in customers and clients who can’t resist the power of your presentations. Mine the gold in your own relationships with family and friends! Find the gold in conveying a message that motivates your customers, your students, your congregation, your family.

What Others Say About Our Workshops:
“Absolutely worth the time and money. Easy to understand. Practical Knowledge.”
-Cyndy, Pro Speaker, California

Experience New Growth to Your Skill Set
You know the old cliche that people are more afraid of public speaking than dying, right? We’ll take you way beyond just “having confidence” to KNOWING you are using your public speaking with mastery and conviction. Our small workshop size and small breakout sessions will give you a chance to practice and master what we’re teaching. It’s more like a boot camp then just another in-service or a get-out-of-the-office “conference.”

“But I am Already a Pro!”
Congrats, Mr. or Ms. Confidence! We’re ready for you, too, as we will go in deep on the ONE ANCIENT SECRET practiced by the great speakers, teachers and orators of history past and present. (And when current leaders don’t use this skill well, they become the butt of jokes on the late night comedy shows.)

Here are some of the things we’ll cover in our two days:

*The one question you must answer for your audience right away or they’ll be working on their mental grocery list while you speak.

*Discover your individual secret that separates you from the rest of the speakers.

*The surprising techniques of a good speaker that you need before you even open your mouth to speak a single word.

*The power of crafting a story: knowing what to keep and what to lay aside.

*How to focus on “us” and not “them” or “me.” Your audience is never your enemy- forget the archaic (and harmful) advice of “seeing them in their underwear.”

*The power of our proprietary process of “Interpret. Express. Integrate.”TM in your speaking events.

*How to engage your audience using theater techniques even if you hate (or fear) theater techniques.

*The strength and techniques of “Intentionality” that will help you develop your repertoire of having the exact story you need at the exact moment you need it.

*How to be vulnerable and available to your audience without being sappy or manipulative or turning over control.

*The energy of “word sounds” that create pictures in the minds of your listeners.

*How to incorporate much needed down-time into every presentation.

*Excellent, experienced coaching that gently “pulls out” your innate skills rather than abruptly forcing what they think should be in your presentation.

*Networking with other professionals with our fun brain-set stretching activities.

*Master the microphone while learning the do’s and don’ts with real equipment.


Who Should Attend?
The short answer is: Anyone who has to speak to other people in any situation. Sean has trained lawyers, CEO’s, CFO’s, teachers, administrators, theater majors, sales people, pastors and ministers, college and high-school students, health-care professionals, call-center workers, miners, government workers, HR pros, marketing specialists, construction workers, “techies” and storytellers in both private coaching and public workshops and many others!

What Others Say About this:
“I think my mind set has been permanently altered by this event. The breadth and depth of your knowledge and your passion to share it are simultaneously humbling and inspiring.”
-Liz, College Instructor, Arizona

About ceohn

Warmly Welcome!
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